Clear Quartz, Master Healer
The master healer, clear quartz is an efficient and effective cleaner. It cleanses on an energetic and physical level, clearing residue from the aura, the chakras, the organs, and other stones.
The master healer, clear quartz is an efficient and effective cleaner. It cleanses on an energetic and physical level, clearing residue from the aura, the chakras, the organs, and other stones.
There are many benefits to using tulsi regularly. It is considered an adaptogenic herb and an immunomodulator. This means that regular use can help the body better tolerate the effects of stress on the system and it can reduce excessive immune responses to common allergens.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that translates to disc, or wheel. Our chakras are spinning wheels of energy and make up the energy system of our body.
Smoky quartz is my go to stone when I get up in my head and can’t get out. It can pull me back down into my body and make me feel reconnected.