Stone Vision Oracle

Full Moon Message 2/12/25

This Full Moon is the time to examine your loyalties, and loyalty to you.

Essence: Garnet – Faithfulness

You may choose to ask yourself about where, and with whom, you have you placed your faith and commitment. Is this devotion still valid? This is not about judgement, but rather about fit. Change can lead to outgrowing situations and relationships that were once beneficial. New information can lead to a change of opinion.

Mind: Sodalite – Communication

Communication is needed to become clear. Ask questions. Process answers. Answer the questions of others. This exchange of information will lead you to make the right decisions for where you are now.

Body: Aragonite – Patience

Sit with what you receive. Wait to feel the answers in your body. Trust it to lead you in the direction that supports you now. You already know so tap into the wisdom of your body with the sway test if your mind feels unclear. There is no need to rush to choose.

Spirit: Prehnite – Healing

Release gently. Forgive others and yourself for unmet expectations, broken trust, and boundaries crossed. This is where healing can begin.

3 Practical Things to do this Full Moon

  1. Communicate clearly
  2. Trust yourself
  3. Forgive

You can only be received as you present yourself. Be clear in your communication, both to others and to yourself. Ask yourself questions about who you are. Be honest and open. Ask questions to learn about others.

Trust yourself to know the truth of things for yourself. Not every situation, not every person is a fit for you. Take time to respond to invitations. When you feel drawn, examine why. When you feel repelled, examine that too. These are opportunities to learn.

Forgive with an open heart. This does not mean forgive and accept, or forgive and forget. It does mean to release the hold on you that old hurts may have. It does mean to release the feelings connected to judgements and actions from the past. This will allow you to move forward.

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