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Aragonite calms as it warms and soothes, offers clarity that encourages patience, and decreases restlessness as it connects you to Earth energies.

In this post you will learn what Aragonite is, where to find it, and how it can support you. 

About Aragonite

Aragonite is calcium carbonate with a MOHS hardness scale rating around 4 which means it is fairly soft and can be damaged fairly easily.

Aragonite on the Mohs Hardness Scale.

Aragonite may be present in colors that include white, gray, yellow, green, blue, or rust. It can be found in crystal form, in clusters sometimes called sputniks, or as stalactite stacks.

Stalactites form when water drips, often through limestone. Aragonite can be found in places where hot springs exist, and water comes through stone.

Locations where Aragonite can be found include:

  • China
  • Morocco
  • Spain
  • Canada
  • Europe
  • Mexico
  • The United States  

Aragonite can also be found creating a form around which pearls, mother of pearl, and coral may grow.

Aragonite Clusters also known as Sputniks

Aragonite Energy

Aragonite energy is both projective and receptive stone. The Earth element connection lets you know that Aragonite connects at your base, and it also balances your crown.

Your base literally supports you and encourages a sense of security and stability. Your crown is your connection to spirit, your higher power in whatever way you connect with that concept.

Aragonite energy is warming and stimulating.

Physical issues that benefit from the use of Aragonite include spinal disc issues, twitching or restless legs, and Raynaud’s syndrome.

From a spiritual perspective, Aragonite helps to ground your spirit in your physical body. It encourages patience and tolerance.

Aragonite brings support and calm during a spiritual crisis.

Geomagnetic stress can be brought to balance with Aragonite.

Using Aragonite

At bedtime:

Slip Aragonite under a pillow to calm night time restlessness.

As an elixir:

Use Aragonite elixir in a foot or full body bath.

Sip Aragonite elixir through the day.

Blend a small amount of Aragonite elixir with lotion or cream in the hands just before applying it to the body.

*Note that Aragonite can contain lead. Always use the indirect method to make Aragonite elixir.

On your body:

Place Aragonite as needed, particularly in your hands or along your spine.

Slide an Aragonite into a coil and wear as a pendant.

In your environment:

Place Aragonite in areas of geomagnetic stress and ley lines.

Aragonite Overview

Aragonite is a soft stone that ranges in color from white and grey to rust and presents as crystals, stalactite, or clusters, and typically grows where water drips, especially near hot springs.

Aragonite connects with your lowest energy centers and your crown. It corresponds with Earth energy and a sense of safety and security.

You can wear or hold Aragonite, use it in an elixir, or place it under your pillow.

Aragonite energy warms and soothes.

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The information included on this post is for informational purposes only. It should not be used as medical advice. Seek immediate assistance from a licensed professional in the case of a medical emergency. Consult with your physician regarding medical questions.