Your physical body is a representation of your energy body. Your energy body radiates through and outward from your physical body in every direction. Your energy body contains many energy centers that impact you in different but specific ways.

You have 7 main energy centers that are aligned with your physical body from the crown of your head down to the base of your spine. These 7 main energy centers, or you may know them as chakras, are:
- Crown – just above the crown of your head
- Brow or Third Eye – in the area of your brow where a third eye would be
- Throat – in the area of your throat
- Heart – near your physical heart
- Solar Plexus – just below your sternum
- Abdominal or Sacral – in your lower abdomen near your sacrum
- Base or Root – just below the base of your spine
When they are unbalanced, they can contribute to physical, emotional, or spiritual dis-ease and dis-comfort. Balanced, they contribute to feeling calm, clear, and connected.
There are many ways to balance your energy centers. The ways that I use and recommend most frequently are color, food groups, herbs, musical notes, seed sounds, scents, and stones. Let’s look at them.
Using color to support and balance your energy centers can be as simple as what you choose to wear or placing a particular color in your line of sight. Each of your 7 main energy centers corresponds to a color. You may envision them like a rainbow.
- Crown – Violet
- Brow – Indigo
- Throat – Blue
- Heart – Green
- Solar Plexus – Yellow
- Sacral – Orange
- Base – Red

Food Groups
The colors of the rainbow in a balanced diet also supports a balanced body and energy system. Eating a variety of foods, or taking a break from feeding your physical body, can bring and maintain balance.
- Crown – Fasting
- Brow – Entheogens
- Throat – Fruits
- Heart – Vegetables
- Solar Plexus – Starches
- Sacral – Juices
- Base – Proteins

Herbs support balance in your energetic and physical body in more than one way. They are primarily used alone in a prepared dose, brewed as tea, or added to food during preparation.
- Crown – Tulsi or Holy Basil
- Brow – Mugwort
- Throat – Sage
- Heart – Rose
- Solar Plexus – Calendula
- Sacral – Raspberry Leaf
- Base – Dandelion Root

Musical Notes
Music literally resonates with our energy centers. Listening to your radio, attending a live music event, or attending a sound bath balances your energy centers through the notes that you hear, and feel. Your upper energy centers appreciate higher notes, your lower energy centers appreciate the opposite.
- Crown – B
- Brow – A
- Throat – G
- Heart – F
- Solar Plexus – E
- Sacral – D
- Base – C

Seed Sounds
Seed sounds are old as time and typically chanted. They are musically intoned words that correspond to each energy center. Just as a lack of food supports your crown, so does a lack of sound.
- Crown – Silence
- Brow – Om
- Throat – Ham
- Heart – Yam
- Solar Plexus – Ram
- Sacral – Vam
- Root – Lam

A walk through a garden, a dish of aromatic resin, or anointing and inhaling essential oils can deliver the balancing energy of a scent.
- Crown – Myrrh
- Brow – Lavender
- Throat – Frankincense
- Heart – Geranium
- Solar Plexus – Lemon
- Sacral – Orange
- Base – Cedar

Stones balance your energy centers by bringing them back to their highest vibration through entrainment. Hold or wear stones near the energy center that vibrates at a similar frequency to offer support and return to balance.
- Crown – Clear Quartz
- Brow – Amethyst
- Throat – Sodalite
- Heart – Rose Quartz
- Solar Plexus – Citrine
- Sacral – Carnelian
- Base – Smoky Quartz

Invest in the Best
Seek out high quality and purchase from trusted sources as you build your energy balancing tool kit. Bringing balance will influence every aspect of your life. A balanced energy system is the key to feeling calm, clear, and connected.

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